11-13-1943, 1st volume, no. 13, Page 4
11-13-1943, 1st volume, no. 13, Page 5

cover / introduction table of contents

“1943 is not 1918.”

And Mr. Goebbels puts in considerable effort
To make it clear to the people
That there are no reasons
To get particularly upset.

Surely it is quite flexible,
And one must sometimes (!) yield,
But of a collapse
There is still no sign anywhere.

Yes, the people can cope with
The heavy burden,
Their attitude is sublime,
Truly deserving all praise.

And with such flattery
He seeks to lull them to sleep,
Trying to convince them
That they will still be victorious.

Compared to the year ‘18,
Today’s situation is much better,
And a sudden failure
Is out of the question today.

Indeed, England‘s bombs
Cause Germany great worries today,
But slowly and surely dawns
The morning of revenge.

And as a positive aspect,
Germany must not forget
That today, in comparison,
It has much more to eat.

The face of the German people
Shows wounds, shows scars,
Which, however, have not spoiled
Their desire to fight so far.

Solid as a rock,
The Führer stands, never wavering,
Setting an example, resolute,
Never faltering in the storm of war.

Not as before, where we astonished
The enemy with weakness,
This time, they will be surprised
That we fight until the very end!

These are not the old sounds,
Bright, cheerful war fanfares,
Which one was used to hear
From Mr. Goebbels all these years.

No, it sounds very melancholic,
The twilight of the gods motif,
Dull, sad chords,
Announcing the near depth of the grave.

Post-Editing: Hanny Veenendaal