11-27-1943, 1st volume, no. 15, Page 9
11-27-1943, 1st volume, no. 15, Page 10
11-27-1943, 1st volume, no. 15, Page 11

cover / introduction table of contents

The Wonder Boot

The German blitzkrieg,
Now continues for over four years,
It still doesn’t work,
It won’t get done.

Since in ‘41
They involved Russia,
Everything went wrong
And the clock runs backwards.

I am not all-powerful,
Hitler has discovered,
And for the Russian winter
He has great respect.

Now the third winter comes
In Russia’s icy wasteland,
A failure for the German army,
It’s truly no joy.

However, they make it tasty,
As far as that is still possible,
Because one sees in the newspapers
Today a German soldier,

Who, with a joyful smile,
Puts on his winter gear,
The caption of this photo:
“This year it will be better.

Now I have winter boots,
Which I didn’t have before,
Now we must win
As everyone can see.

The entire Russian war
Depends on this shoe,
Now victory is certain,
Now it’s achievable.

With these new boots,
It’s something wonderful,
You can compare this boot
With a seven-league boot.

With these boots, the advance
Is incredibly fast,
All that we had to give up
Will soon be reclaimed.”

This photo is
Presented to Stalin,
In this matter
He said the following:

We have had three winters of war,
But it won’t last three years,
About the new German boots
I couldn’t care less.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders, Tom Rieke