10-09-1943, 1st volume, no. 8, Page 3
10-09-1943, 1st volume, no. 8, Page 4

cover / introduction table of contents


Every now and then one hears with pleasure,
That this or that representative of the new order
One way or another dies,
And one rarely meets anyone who grumbled about it.

On the contrary, the Dutch find it just,
And the events cause them no regret,
When recently Mr. Schmidt fell from the train,
Or not too long ago, Chief of Staff Lutje died in an accident,

Or when Heydrich died, more or less naturally,
People said with great satisfaction,,
A higher power punished them,
They only wish for fate

To soon reach our Führer
During his next train or car ride.
And also at our NSB,
These cases of misfortune and fortune are multiplying greatly,

Posthuma, Reydon, Seyffardt were just the beginning,
The smaller traitors die by the dozen.
And every good citizen finds it to their liking,
And joyfully exclaims Houzee!

It’s not a base and ugly sense of revenge,
That today inspires even the most pious people,
It’s a pure longing for justice,
So there has always been joy when the wicked fall,

Tense, impatiently, waiting for the time,
When the whole gang will be slain.
What is happening now is just a prelude
Of the upcoming huge reckoning

For low crimes, robbery, murder, and treason,
A preliminary reckoning for a few Kraut lackeys,
The final reckoning for the rest is still pending,
And then, traitors, there will be no hesitation.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders