10-21-1944, 2nd volume, no. 51, Page 11
10-21-1944, 2nd volume, no. 51, Page 12
10-21-1944, 2nd volume, no. 51, Page 13

cover / introduction table of contents

The Innocent Lambs

What would they have done with Anton Mussert back then? And what would they do with him now, along with his colleagues and all his fellow fighters, down to the simplest comrade, and with their wives and children? Now, for four years, two or three times a day, filled with the filthy poison of London‘s radio incitement, lies, and slander? Now, after having gone through the university of cruelty and bloodlust under their English, American, and Bolshevik mentors, the phosphorus throwers and refugee shooters, the fighters against hospitals and hospital ships, the neck-shooting heroes of Katyn, the kidnappers of masses, the torturers of defenseless prisoners of war, the starvers of women and children? Truly, if the National Socialists were to flee upon the approach of the military core of the Dutch partisan gang in the making, this would not be without reason. – September 9, 1944

The Kraut gets a bad beating,
Soon they will force him to withdraw,
What will they do with Mussert?
What will they do with his followers?

They are well aware,
If you read what they wrote today,
That they are not left in peace,
They fear for their lives and well-being.

The hour of revenge is approaching.
And then the entire NSB leadership
Will be sent to hell,
They now shift the blame to London,

Because it stirs things up on the radio,
And on the Stalinist-Bolsheviks,
That the popular soul is currently boiling,
And that the fascists are hated.

From the outside, intrigue is being conducted,
That they will be captured without delay,
And dragged before a strict court,
Which will sentence them to hang.

They write: Incitement from the outside
Awakens cruel feelings of hatred,
So they torture and torment cowardly
Such NSB losers soon.

No wonder, then, that he flees,
As a poor misunderstood and fearful victim,
He definitely did something wrong
By not packing his suitcase quickly,

And by not escaping hastily,
– Before they kill him shortly –
To the promised Third Reich,
Where asylum is offered

If someone hates the NSB members,
That – they write – is the guilt of outsiders,
Because Radio London overwhelms them
With accusations for many years now.

They are slandered and misunderstood,
Unjustly people are angry at them,
Inoculated with lies one will
Persecuted innocents …

We don’t need to learn from London
About their actions,
Betrayal and crime were their guideline
In the past war years,

Propaganda doesn’t bother us,
That they are being killed has deeper reasons,
Because what will happen to them shortly,
Is only the reward for what they did.

Post-Editing: Susan Heuman