12-02-1944, 2nd volume, no. 56, Page 6
12-02-1944, 2nd volume, no. 56, Page 7
12-02-1944, 2nd volume, no. 56, Page 8

cover / introduction table of contents

Day of the Russian Revolution, 7 November 1944

A speech by Stalin.
Yesterday, Stalin delivered a speech on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, in which he stated that the Red Army still bears the heaviest burden of the struggle alone. He also expressed the expectation that it will soon be able to hoist the Soviet flag over Berlin. Regarding Norway, he said that this country should be considered an ally of the Soviet Union. Everything that is unfolding now is a consequence of the Tehran Conference. Plans for the West were already established there. The Allied offensive has indeed facilitated the task of the Red Army. For the post-war period, Stalin declared an international organization for the maintenance of peace to be necessary. However, he did not mention the formation of a new League of Nations. – 7/11/44

Yes, the Russians did it better,
Did it better than you,
And in Moscow and Odessa
People think today with pleasure

Of that day in 1917
When Russia‘s people seized power,
Today, festive celebrations can be seen,
For today the Soviet ship sails

Through time with full sails,
And the people of the world greet
And honor Soviet Russia in every way,
Germany is

Now scorned and condemned
And hated throughout the world,
For it has oppressed the world,
But Soviet Russia holds

Human rights high and sacred,
Is the refuge of the oppressed,
And its army quickly conquers
City after city and place after place.

And assembled from solid blocks
Is the structure of the red power,
Russia‘s people carry their state
In their veins and keep watch.

And whoever stretches out their greedy hands
Towards the Soviet land,
Will come to a bad end,
Reaping shame and reaping disgrace,

Will be expelled and chased away,
And thus it will go with you now,
Nothing of the plunder remains for you,
Stalin stands in front of the Third Reich.

Yes, the Russians can celebrate,
Their future is beautiful,
And one can already see how it will go
For your troops very soon.

Red Army and partisans
Capture Budapest and Vienna,
And they plant their flags
On the ruins of Berlin.

Post-Editing: Sylvia Stawski, Ernst Sittig