12-25-1944, 2nd volume, no. 60, Page 16
12-25-1944, 2nd volume, no. 60, Page 17
12-25-1944, 2nd volume, no. 60, Page 18

cover / introduction table of contents

Grandfatherly Comment

He’s also got the „Silver Cross,“ but he doesn’t have it in his possession, yet. Then, one can’t get it right away. But since Corporal Z. wants to go on leave, a comrade, Sergeant Qu., bearer of the German Cross, lends him his

No way, he’s a pure Aryan
As the nose gives rise to suspicion
The racial theory
Is after all on weak footing

To me, who thinks like an Aryan
Is such a case quite critical
I state, offensive
The guy is clearly Semitic.

I‘m about to fall off my chair
What dare they tell us
Truly an Itzig Schmuhl
They show as a German hero

The brave soldier
Seems to be brother
For many a heroic deed
He almost got a waggonload

A colorful mixed bag
Of many medal badges
The Iron Cross I and II
It pleases him beyond compare

And because he was brave
And not at all afraid
In the end he even gets
The Silver Close Combat Badge

He handles the carbine
Skilfully, courageously,
But even though he’s being decorated
His ancestor was a rabbi

Maybe in Krotoschin
Maybe in Krojanke, too
And if the ancestor could see him
He would say: ‘Thank you’

For such nonsense,
I find it hilarious
My grandson, a Nazi-Christian
Can – make Sabbath of it.

Post-Editing: Marion Frankenhuis