03-10-1945, 3rd volume, no. 10, Page 9
03-10-1945, 3rd volume, no. 10, Page 10
03-10-1945, 3rd volume, no. 10, Page 11

cover / introduction table of contents


Dr. Feitsma, Esq. murdered
According to „Volk en Vaderland“ [The People and the Fatherland) on Friday, February 2nd, Dr. J. Feitsma, Esq., Attorney General at the Court of Appeals in Amsterdam, acting Attorney General at the Court of Appeals in Arnhem, and Attorney General at the Economic Court in Almelo, was shot by an unidentified cyclist in front of the lot Jacob Obrechtstraat 29a, near Van Breestraat in Amsterdam. Dr. J. Feitsma, Esq. was 61 years old and had been an Attorney General since 1941. He joined the NSB (National Socialist Movement) as a member in 1940 after the ban on civil servants was lifted. He was an advisor to the Führer. – 20-2-45

I read in the newspaper this morning,
According to “Volk en Vaderland,”
That Feitsma, Esq. was “murdered,”
I find murder to be an ugly word.

I consider murder to be a wicked act,
They shot Feitsma dead on the street,
But I heard it with pleasure,
And I don‘t consider that “murder” of him as murder.

I found that Feitsma was a scoundrel,
Because he advanced under Seijss,
Seijss Inquart generously
Appointed him Chief Public Prosecutor.

In Arnhem and in Amsterdam,
That was a good livelihood,
And also in Almelo,
Feitsma was a Chief Public Prosecutor.

And many honest compatriots
He put to death in his own way,
By handing them over lowly and cowardly
To the Gestapo,

Who would then shoot them by firing squad,
And Feitsma did not think that wrong,
And his conscience did not hurt,
On the contrary, he found it enjoyable.

But Feitsma, Esq. was more than that,
Because he was also an advisor
To Antoon Mussert and gave advice
In murder, robbery, and treason.

Yes, Feitsma, Esq. was a villain,
And meanness was his trump card,
Treason was his job,
He bootlicked Seijss,

He was in favor with Mussert,
The lowest crime was his art,
He mocked and violated justice,
Conspired with the Boches‘ power,
And was put to death for it.

Anyone who collaborates with the enemy,
Like him, and in the NSB
Still holds a high position,
And using all his might,

To harm his fellow countrymen,
In the end, he gets what he deserves,
And he is executed for high treason,
Even on the street if necessary.

Post-Editing: Hanny Veenendaal