09-11-1943, 1st volume, no. 4, Page 11
09-11-1943, 1st volume, no. 4, Page 12
09-11-1943, 1st volume, no. 4, Page 13

cover / introduction table of contents

Yes, Yes, Commissioner Sir!


When Mr. Seyss became commissioner in the Netherlands
The whole Mussert gang joined like lightening
And were very pleased with the new state
And was ready for treason.
And Antoon Mussert soon served him,
With my followers things will definitely improve
With our help you’ll force the Dutch down,
We will help you.

Yes, yes, Commissioner sir,
The NSB is ready for you
And with a little daring
We always play the German cards
We‘ll get it done,
Always at your service, Commissioner Sir.

And they fearlessly surrendered the country to the Krauts.
They were soon a willing tool for Mr. Seyss
And they betrayed their fellow citizens wherever they could
They were traitors and spies.
One soon wanted to Nazify the whole country,
But it proved resistant to propaganda.
Seyss-Inquart had the NSB as his only support
The NSB sang quite meekly:

Jawohl, jawohl etc.

Seyss Inquart was sometimes really very disappointed
He had thought Anton Mussert was a hero
He is not the expected giant shining dummy
But only a dictator in miniature
Willingly all Holland is sold to Seyss
In Adolf Hitler they had a good customer
For bacon and butter, eggs, vegetables and for … blood,
One earns well from such exports.

Jawohl, jawohl etc.

The case turns out differently than originally thought,
The dark army has long since lost its power
And whoever looks closely has already noticed
The Kraut will be expelled soon.
And Mussert has another conference with Seyss
And has asked for asylum in Germany for himself.
He is very afraid of the consequences of betrayal
And that‘s why he’ll soon abscond.

Alas, alas, Commissioner sir,
you know I was always there for you.
I’ve shown a lot of daring
And played the German cards.
Unfortunately, it didn‘t work out.
Now help me, Commissioner sir.

Post-Editing: Robert Saunders