03-31-1945, 3rd volume, no. 13, Page 10
03-31-1945, 3rd volume, no. 13, Page 11
03-31-1945, 3rd volume, no. 13, Page 12
03-31-1945, 3rd volume, no. 13, Page 13

cover / introduction table of contents

Exemplary-Noble Aryan

Remagen Bridge was abandoned due to negligence and cowardice,
Guilty parties sentenced to death.
The High Command of the Wehrmacht reports: By summary court-martial, Major Strobel from a Pioneer Regiment staff, Major Scheller, Adjutant of an Army Corps, Major Kraft from a Land Pioneer Battalion, First Lieutenant Peters, leader of the Flak forces deployed to protect the Remagen Bridge, and in absentia Captain Brathke, Garrison Commander of Remagen, partly for cowardice and partly for serious dereliction of duty, have been sentenced to death in the field, as they negligently failed to blow up or defend the Remagen Bridge in a determined manner. The sentences against Strobel, Scheller, Kraft, and Peters were immediately carried out!

A bridge,
What trickery,
Did not explode in time.
Yankees crossed,
Hitler fever,
And he roared: What scoundrel

And traitor
Was the culprit,
That this disaster occurred?
Behaved poorly.

Instead of dying
And perishing,
They surrendered the bridge
To the enemy,
Adolf wept,
And the Nazi bigwigs

Were brooding,
To prevent
Such a thing from happening again,
No encore!!
The Gestapo
With their swastika mindset

Himmler suggested
As a healing medicine,
Exemplary-noble Aryan
They called forth death.

Don’t be embarrassed
With martial law it goes well,
Quickly shot,
Giving others new courage.

Himmler’s executioner‘s tools
Captured Strobel,
Captured Scheller, captured Kraft,
Yes, let us
Not take
The problems too seriously and set an example,

Showing everyone:
Rather fall,
Than die by Hitler’s wrath,
Not very leniently
It ends disgracefully,
Throwing the gun into the wheat field.

No one should
Show cowardice,
No, stand true to Hitler
Like an oak tree,
Until one is dead
Or severely wounded.

Without question,
Yet millions today
Must still bleed
For minutes
Of this Hitler’s glory.

Post-Editing: Hanny Veenendaal